separate bathroom and toilet, balcony, gas stove available, flooring, sink with shower, TV intercom, bathroom dryer, indoor laundry area, shoebox, system kitchen, bathroom with reheating function, corner unit, heated toilet seat, dressing room, separate sink, vanity, bicycle parking space, delivery box, tiled exterior, available for immediate occupancy, quiet residential area, top floor, 3 or more burners, face-to-face kitchen, storage in all rooms, auto bath, grill, western-style rooms in all rooms, separation, motorcycle parking space, flooring in all rooms 3-sided lighting, LDK of 15 tatami mats or more, flat to station, window in kitchen, lush residential area, air conditioning in all rooms, window in bathroom, built less than 2 years ago, 24-hour ventilation system, double glazing, 2 toilets, flat ground, 2 south-facing rooms, south-facing living room, bathroom of 3.3 square meters or more, 4 air conditioners, 3 closets, 3-sided unit, unoccupied, no building in front, corner room on all four sides, 2-sided lighting in all rooms, 3 or more stations accessible, within 10 minutes' walk from station, no upper floors, exclusive area of 80.3 square meters or more, city gas, multimedia outlet, available for occupancy within the year